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Bioscoopagenda Filmtheater de Lieve Vrouw

Lieve Vrouwestraat 13, 3811 BP Amersfoort +31-33-4226555 ...meer info
Rangschik op Films | Tijd
Aanvangstijden dinsdag↓ | woensdag↓ | donderdag↓ | vrijdag↓ | zaterdag↓ | maandag

top dinsdag 18-02-2025
11:25 A Real Pain
11:50 Maria
13:30 Diamant brut
13:45 The Brutalist
14:00 Sing Sing
14:20 Flow
15:50 Miséricorde
16:10 Alpha.
16:30 Avengers Endgame Re-release
17:45 Julie zwijgt
18:15 Merckx
18:25 Babygirl
18:40 When the Light Breaks
19:55 The Brutalist
20:10 Maria
20:30 Le royaume
20:45 Alpha.
top woensdag 19-02-2025
11:15 Sing Sing
11:30 Maria
11:45 Merckx
13:30 The Brutalist
13:45 Julie zwijgt
14:05 Alpha.
15:55 Red de jungle
16:15 A Real Pain
17:35 Diamant brut
18:15 When the Light Breaks
18:30 Alpha.
19:45 The Brutalist
20:10 Miséricorde
20:35 Maria
top donderdag 20-02-2025
11:15 A Complete Unknown
11:30 Caught by the Tides
11:45 The Brutalist
13:50 When the Light Breaks
14:05 Parthenope
15:40 Favoriten
15:55 Babygirl
16:50 Merckx
18:15 Miséricorde
18:30 Caught by the Tides
18:40 Alpha.
20:30 Maria
20:45 A Complete Unknown
20:50 Mulholland Drive
top vrijdag 21-02-2025
11:15 Favoriten
11:30 Caught by the Tides
11:30 The Brutalist
11:45 Babygirl
13:40 Mulholland Drive
13:55 Avengers Endgame Re-release
14:10 Flow
15:30 A Complete Unknown
16:00 Maria
16:15 Avengers Endgame Re-release
16:35 Alpha.
18:20 When the Light Breaks
18:25 Le royaume
18:40 Maria
18:50 Alpha.
20:10 The Brutalist
20:40 Miséricorde
20:55 Caught by the Tides
21:10 A Complete Unknown
top zaterdag 22-02-2025
11:25 Flow
11:25 Merckx
11:40 Babygirl
13:15 Maria
13:25 Caught by the Tides
14:00 Le royaume
15:50 A Complete Unknown
15:50 Miséricorde
16:15 Alpha.
18:20 When the Light Breaks
18:35 Alpha.
18:45 Maria
20:10 The Brutalist
20:45 Caught by the Tides
21:15 A Complete Unknown
top maandag 23-02-2025
11:15 Favoriten
11:15 Maria
11:30 The Brutalist
13:40 Caught by the Tides
13:50 A Complete Unknown
15:30 Alpha.
16:00 Red de jungle
16:40 Maria
17:35 Babygirl
17:55 When the Light Breaks
18:15 Alpha.
19:15 The Brutalist
19:45 Sing Sing
20:00 Mulholland Drive
20:20 A Complete Unknown